Here I will describe the names of text files generated by H2EK or H2Codez and their purpose as noted by Num005 and General_101.

debug_menu_init.txtA text file found in the root directory of the map editor. This file can be edited to add commands to the user interface in H2Sapien that is brought when pressing MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON + PAGE UP.
debug_menu_user_init.txtPretty much same as above.
cheats.txtFile for binding controller buttons to Halo script commands, enabled with cheat_controller variable, line number == controller button id, might not be working correctly? Must be manually created in the H2EK root directory
editor_init.txtHalo script commands that H2Sapien runs on engine init (first map load). Must be manually created in the H2EK root directory.
tool_init.txtHalo script commands H2Tool runs on engine init (using a command that requires map load). Must be manually created in the H2EK root directory
init.txtUnused text file.
global_scripts.hscGeneric HS functions that can be added to your scenario. Probably worked better in the full toolset than it does in ours. In order for this to work you have to have created a global_scripts.scenario_hs_source_file in "tags/globals/" After doing this you need to go to your scenario in H2Guerilla and add a scenario resources and an empty script source tag block. Once this is complete go ahead and open the scenario in H2Sapien and click SAVE AS SCENARIO. This new scenario file will have global_scripts linked. Now don't actually do this cause it's a pain in the ass to get here and will replace any other scripts you have in your scenario. Did I forget to mention it can also crash?
H2Codez.confThis is a config file that can be edited as a regular text file. It is stored in the root directory of the map editor and options will be filled in as the tools are launched.
(name).txt - (name)_movie.txtIt's the mystery Poetry and passion Innocence and fashion Revolution, evolution ways. Seriously though this is some file related to Havok. It's created by using the havok_dump_world HS command in H2Sapien. The command goes something like havok_dump_world (name of file here) (true or false for dumping the movie file.) It will create the first file and create an addition file with _movie attached at the end of the file name if the command was true.If the command was set to true then havok_dump_world_close_movie will be needed to end the data collecting process. There will be no feedback when you enter these commands in H2Sapien and the files will be created at the root directory of your documents folder.
camera_(scenario).txt - (name)_(scenario)Dumps camera info to a text file in the Halo 2 folder in documents. The first can be done by using debug_camera_save and the second can be done by using debug_camera_save_name (filename)
cloth.txtDumped in the root folder of the map editor. Basically debug info about cloth tags like flags and such.
(scenario)_tag_dump.txtA file with debug information about tags. File can be created in the root directory of the map editor with the debug_tags HS command
gamestate.txtInformation about the size of the different parts of the savable state. Created upon loading a map in H2Sapien in the Halo 2 folder in my documents.
heap_dump.txtComprehensive memory usage tracking. This file is created in the Halo 2 folder found in documents and is made by the debug_memory HS command.
memusage.txtMemory usage during startup. Created by loading a map in H2Sapien and found in the Halo 2 folder in documents.
debug.htmllog of all error and info output. Found in the root directory of the Halo 2 map editor or in the root directory of the reports folder. Is created when a map is opened in H2Sapien.
(unknown).htmlCurrently unused logs
(name).dmpDumps of crashes for debugging purposes. Created in the crash_reports found in reports in the Halo 2 map editor folder.
(scenario)(various debug files)When a map is packaged it will create folder with the scenario name in reports and various debug files related to the map inside.
reports(scenario)\animation_compression_stats.txtNo idea
reports(scenario)\animation_postprocessing.txtNo idea
reports(scenario)\block_memory.txtSome tag memory usage thing
reports(scenario)\cache_file_build_results.txtSee name
reports(scenario)\animation_compression_stats.txtlog of all error and info output
reports(scenario)\group_memory.txtsome tag memory usage thing
reports(scenario)\scenario_tags.txttags included in scenario cache + address?
reports(scenario)\shared_tag_memory.txtNo idea
reports(scenario)\tag_memory.txtsome tag memory usage thing
reports(scenario)\shaders_debug.htmlshader errors and warnings
(location of folder containing scenario)/(scenario)_import_results.txtCreated when a pathfinding mesh is imported the the scenario directory. It's debug for what was imported.
shader.logdebug log for compiled HLSL from vertex shaders compiled by H2Codez.